Conversational AI: Google’s Bard Experiment

Step-by-step Instructions

Bard is Google’s name-brand large language model experiment, and it can be helpful in many terms of work. It is an efficient search engine for research and can create and write almost as a person would. When using Bard, it’s important to remember that it is in experimental phases and does not always represent Google’s views. Google recommends fact-checking answers Bard may provide.


1. To use Bard, sign in with a Google account.

2. If the left-hand navigation bar is not visible, click the menu icon (3 lines) in the top-left corner.

Bard screenshot

3. To View or delete past activity, click on the side navigation bar on “Bard Activity.”

Your Bard activity page

Turn the activity storage off under “Bard Activity” and slide the bar off. This doesn’t delete past data, nor does it keep the information going to human reviewers who train the AI. It just turns the storage off for the user’s view.

Bard Activity Settings Screenshot with Bard activity setting on

To turn the auto-delete of activity off or adjust the time for the automatic deletion, click Auto-Delete and adjust the settings to your preference. You can choose between 3, 18, or 36 months for auto-deletion.

Your Bard Activity Screenshot Choose an auto-delete option for your bard activity Auto-delete activity older than 18 months Don't auto-delete my activity Regardless of your choice, you can always manually delete any time

Scroll down to view past prompts and delete specific prompts asked.

Delete activity under the delete drop-down. You can delete the last hour, the previous day, all time recorded, or a custom time range

Your Bard Activity Screenshot Delete activity last hour last day all time custom range

4. To clear the chat and data Bard collected from each session, click the option on the left-hand navigation bar titled “Clear Chat.” Each time you open Bard, the discussion will also be cleared.

5. To find the FAQ, click the button on the left-hand navigation bar.

Bard FAQ screenshot

6. To read past updates to the experiment, find the “Updates” option below the FAQ button.

Bard Experiment updates screenshot

7. For further help using Bard, click “Help” on the left-hand navigation bar.

Bard screenshot with help bar revealed

8. At the bottom-left of the window, you can adjust the appearance to light or dark theme depending on user preference.

Using Bard

Bard can answer any question and answer thousands of prompts, no matter how specific.

1. Write your prompt in the bottom text box and press send or enter.

Hi Bard, can you give me an outline for an article about AI Sure, here is an outline for an article about AI: Introduction What is AI? History of AI Types of AI Benefits of AI Challenges of AI Body Specific examples of AI in use today How AI is changing the world The future of AI Conclusion Summary of the main points Discussion of the implications of AI Call to action Here are some additional details that you may want to include in your article: How AI is being used to improve healthcare, education, and transportation The ethical implications of AI, such as bias and job displacement The potential for AI to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as climate change and poverty I hope this helps!

2. It will take a few moments but it will generate a response to that prompt.

3. If you are looking for variations, click the drop-down menu titled “view other drafts” at the top of the response. You will see up to three variations of the response in different tones and lengths.

4. If you made a typo or did not like your prompt, you can edit the most recent one using the pen icon next to your text.

Bard AI screenshot with published prompt box highlighted for editing

5. If you are unsure that the information provided was correct, press “Google It” and find similar search questions. Clicking one will take you to Google’s search console with results.

6. Tell Google if it was a good or bad response to your prompt using the thumbs up and thumbs down icons.

7. Export the response using the button below the text. You can export it to docs or draft it in Gmail.

Bard AI screenshot with export docs and draft in Gmail revealed next to google it

Using Bard for Content Creation

Bard allows you to do thousands of things based on prompts. You can find recipes, hold conversations, write stories, or receive suggested edits. Below, you will find an outline of how it can optimize an article from start to finish.

1. Ask Bard to “outline an article” about your subject. Today, we are writing an article about AI.

Hi Bard, can you give me an outline for an article about AI Sure, here is an outline for an article about AI: Introduction What is AI? History of AI Types of AI Benefits of AI Challenges of AI Body Specific examples of AI in use today How AI is changing the world The future of AI Conclusion Summary of the main points Discussion of the implications of AI Call to action Here are some additional details that you may want to include in your article: How AI is being used to improve healthcare, education, and transportation The ethical implications of AI, such as bias and job displacement The potential for AI to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as climate change and poverty I hope this helps!

2. Ask it for definitions about any topic it provides. You can adjust the length of the response by providing a word count.

Sure. Here is a definition of AI in 70 words: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. AI research has been highly successful in developing effective techniques for solving a wide range of problems, from game playing to medical diagnosis. However, there is still much debate about what constitutes true intelligence and whether AI will ever be able to achieve human-level intelligence. Sources

3. If you need help with ideas, you can ask Bard to write the article according to its outline. NOTE: if you do this, edit the article heavily with your ideas and thoughts to make it more creative. This helps Google know it is original, even if AI assisted it.

Can you write an article based on your previous outline 1 + Sure, here is an article based on my previous outline: Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Technology Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. AI research has been highly successful in developing effective techniques for solving a wide range of problems, from game playing to medical diagnosis. However, there is still much debate about what constitutes true intelligence and whether AI will ever be able to achieve human-level intelligence. History of AI The concept of AI has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until the 1950s that AI research began in earnest. Early AI programs were very limited in their capabilities, but they laid the foundation for the more sophisticated AI systems that we have today. In the 1960s, AI research made significant progress, with the development of programs that could play chess and solve logic problems. However, the 1970s saw a period of decline in AI research, as many of the early programs were found to be not as intelligent as originally thought. In the 1980s, AI research began to rebound, with the development of new techniques such as machine learning. Machine learning allows AI systems to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed. This has led to the development of AI systems that can perform tasks that were previously thought to be impossible, such as recognizing objects in images and translating languages. Types of AI There are many different types of AI, but they can generally be divided into two categories: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI is designed to solve a specific problem, such as playing chess or Go. General AI is designed to be as intelligent as a human, and can perform a wide range of tasks. Benefits of AI AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. Some of the potential benefits of AI include: Improved healthcare: AI can be used to diagnose diseases, develop new treatments, and provide personalized care. Enhanced education: AI can be used to personalize learning, provide feedback, and automate tasks. Safer transportation: AI can be used to develop self-driving cars and improve the safety of other transportation systems. More efficient energy use: AI can be used to optimize energy use in homes, businesses, and transportation systems. Reduced crime: AI can be used to predict crime, identify criminals, and prevent crimes from happening. Challenges of AI While AI has the potential to benefit society in many ways, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. Some of the challenges of AI include: Bias: AI systems can be biased, which can lead to discrimination.

4. Ask it for keywords. You can ask it through general terms, such as “Can you give me keywords similar to ‘AI’” or ask, “Is this optimized for the keyword ‘AI’:” and include the entirety of the piece you are writing.

Can you give me keywords similar to : ai Sure, here are some keywords similar to AI: machine learning natural language processing deep learning neural networks robotics expert systems artificial neural networks cybernetics data mining pattern recognition These keywords are all related to the field of artificial intelligence. They can be used to search for information about AI, or to find articles and websites about AI.

5. Bard can give you headline ideas based on topics. For example, you can ask, “What are some creative titles for an article about AI?”

Here are some creative titles for an article about AI: AI: The Next Frontier in Human Evolution AI: The Rise of the Machines AI: Friend or Foe? AI: The Future of Work AI: The Future of Humanity AI: The New Superpower AI: The Great Equalizer AI: The Key to a Better World AI: The End of Days? AI: The Beginning of a New Era These titles are all creative and attention-grabbing. They would be sure to get people interested in reading your article about AI. Here are some more specific titles that you could use, depending on the focus of your article: How AI is Changing Healthcare How AI is Revolutionizing Education How AI is Making Transportation Safer How AI is Saving Energy How AI is Reducing Crime How AI is Making Our Lives Easier How AI is Making the World a Better Place The Ethical Implications of AI The Future of AI: A Look at the Possibilities The Future of AI: A Look at the Challenges These titles are all more specific and would be a good fit for an article that focuses on a particular aspect of AI.

6. Ask for help with originality and ideas. We asked, “How can I make your previous article more creative and original?”

How can I make your previous article more creative and original? Here are some ideas on how you can make your previous article more creative and original: Use more vivid language and imagery. This will help to engage your readers and make your article more interesting to read. Tell stories or anecdotes to illustrate your points. This will help to make your article more relatable and memorable. Use humor or wit to add some personality to your article. This will help to make your article more enjoyable to read. Use creative formatting to make your article more visually appealing. This could include using images, charts, or graphs. Incorporate your own unique perspective on the topic. This will help to make your article more interesting and thought-provoking. Here are some specific examples of how you could apply these ideas to your previous article: Instead of simply stating that AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, you could tell the story of a patient who was saved by an AI-powered medical device. Instead of simply listing the benefits of AI, you could use humor to illustrate how AI is making our lives easier. For example, you could write about how AI is now able to do things like order your groceries and book your appointments for you. Instead of simply providing a list of the challenges of AI, you could use a chart or graph to illustrate how these challenges are evolving over time. By following these tips, you can make your article more creative and original. This will help you to engage your readers and make your article more memorable.

7. Get specific with it. In experimental AI technologies, pushing the limits and seeing what it can do is essential.

Large language models are constantly developing, and Bard isn’t the only one. Others, like ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, can perform similar tasks, but they all have ups and downs to their systems.

If you find issues or want more information, check the Bard help pages, FAQ, or call us. We are more than happy to help in any way we can.